
How to use live chat to boost e-commerce sales

The e-commerce industry is going from strength to strength as people continue to trade busy shop floors for laptop screens (often from the comfort of their sofa and pajamas). However, competition is fierce in the online space, so providing fantastic customer experiences that lead to repeat purchase is vital if small businesses are to stay afloat.

Human connection: your secret to sales success

Humans are hardwired to connect. We want to feel like we belong. We want to feel like we’re understood, valued and appreciated. It doesn’t matter if you’re “hard as nails” or the eternally straight-faced big boss, we know that deep down, you crave all the warm fuzzies too.

How to sound like a human in Live Chat

So, you’ve decided you want live chat on your website but now you’re wondering, “How can my team create meaningful connections online when we’re competing with a bunch of scarily clever internet robots?”

What you can learn from an Unhappy Customer

If you’re in business for any amount of time – you’re going to have unhappy customers at some point. It’s inevitable – here’s how to deal with unhappy customers.

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