
Report Abuse

tawk.to continuously monitors for unlawful and fraudulent behavior on the platform. While we are not responsible for users’ activity, we take all breaches seriously and do act against offenders. If you believe that you have come across unlawful behavior, please complete the form below. 

Please identify the exact URL/s, and explain in detail why you believe that the site or user is partaking in illegal or abusive behavior.

Your request will be evaluated and we will take appropriate action. 

Please note that completing and submitting this form does not guarantee that any action will be taken on your request.

The information you submit will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Please note: You will not receive a response to this request, though we will read and action it immediately where possible.

Thank you for taking the time to make tawk.to a safer place for all. 

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Submit Abuse Report

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