Adding a widget to your website


There are a few options for adding the widget to your website depending on how your website is built. If your site uses a content management platform such as WordPress, Squarespace, Magento or Shopify, you can simply install the app or plugin from their app store/library and follow along through the installation wizard.

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the mobile app.

If you're not using one of these platforms, you can add the chat widget by pasting a snippet of JavaScript code to your website.

To start, if you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

Make your way to the ⚙️ Administration panel by selecting the gear icon in the upper tab menu.

Then, under Channels, select Chat Widget. Copy the </> Widget Code on the right. Now paste the snippet into your website's HTML just before the </body> tag and you're ready to go.

Click the titles below to learn how to add through our most popular CMS and third party integrations. 

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